Module cảm biến nhiệt độ loại K, giao tiếp SPI MAX31855
Mô tả :
Work with any K type thermocouples
Can measure a wider temperature range: -200°C to +1350°C
Internal temperature reading
DC33V to 5V power supply and logic level compliant
SPI data output requires any 3 digital I/O pinsThermocouples are very sensitive, requiring a good amplifier with a cold-compensation reference. The MAX31855K does everything for you, and can be easily interfaced with any microcontroller, even one without an analog input.
This breakout board has the chip itself, a 3.3V regulator with 10uF bypass capacitors and level shifting circuitry, all assembled and tested.
Comes with a 2 pin terminal block (for connecting to the thermocouple) and pin header (to plug into any breadboard or Perfboard)。
Work with any K type thermocouples.
Can measure a wider temperature range: -200C to +1350C.
Internal temperature reading.
DC3.3V to 5V power supply and logic level compliant.
SPI data output requires any 3 digital I/O pins.
Temperature Range: -200C to +1350C
Power Supply: DC3.3V to 5V
PCB Board Size: 20 x 23mm